2012 Juan Fabian Labella Manjon

2012 Juan Fabian Labella Manjon

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2012 Juan Fabian Labella Manjon


Concert Flamenca Guitar
Location: USA
Make: Juan Fabian Labella Manjon
Model: Concert Flamenca Guitar
Model Year: 2012
Top: German Spruce
Back & Sides: Spanish Cypress
Scale: 650mm
Nut: 52mm
Finish: French polish
Tuners: Gotoh premium
Country: Spain
Condition: New 


Born in Aldeire, Granada in 1965, Juan Fabian LaBella Manjon took courses at the INEM that introduced him to guitar making. He then apprenticed with Jesus Bellido. In 1995 guitars he began building his own guitars. Unlike many makers, Juan's prefers to build entirely by hand-- using virtually no power tools. He does so, despite this being more time consuming, because it allows him to fully control each and every one of the steps in the construction process. He uses only the best quality materials, and his guitars are french polished with an improved shellac that which is the result of much study and numerous tests, and which is more resistant to scratches and abrasions, and so offers increased protection, without altering the quality of sound. This concert flamenco guitar is a testament to his art: the workmanship is practically flawless--the sound is even better: it is pure flamenco, wonderfully balanced, its full throated rasp is like a great cante hondo.  The setup is a player's dream-- and includes such niceties as a zero fret-- to improve intonation.
